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Are you tired of spending countless hours writing Community Planning & Development program grants, only to come up short on funding? Look no further! Our exclusive eWorkbook is here to help you revolutionize your grant writing process.


With our proven grant writing technique, you'll be able to write high-quality grants in half the time. Our workshop provides you with a wide range of tools, tips, and techniques to enhance or build your grant team, locate grants, understand the nuances of grant RFPs, develop scalable budgets, and utilize our exclusive CDB Logic Model Template.


But that's not all! We also provide you with invaluable housing grant, contract, and loan funding resources. Our eWorkbook includes embedded researched links to many additional resources to further enhance your grant writing process.


Don't let the grant writing process hold you back any longer. Invest in our eWorkbook and take your grant writing skills to the next level!

Redação de subsídios para programas de desenvolvimento comunitário, com links

IPI / ICMS / ISS não incl.
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